Wednesday, September 15, 2010

How To Pose For Profile Pick


The command and intelligence center C4 state was attacked last night by an armed grenade, after the conclusion of the Mexican holiday of September 16th.

The events took place around 11 pm when he heard a loud bang near the Square three cultures, eyewitnesses reported that a white Malibu car without registration of movement and with tinted windows traveling at full speed near the scene.

A few minutes after authorities confirmed the existence of a narcobanners placed in one of the international bridges, which have been awarded to "Los Zetas" who compete with the Gulf Cartel, Plaza de Piedras Negras, which has motivated many violent acts of which have been reported missing, as well as performances with threatening messages to their rivals. These events stained

national holidays the government of Governor Humberto Moreira promoted throughout the state of Coahuila, and leave the citizens with a well-founded fear of not having this day the called cry of independence known macro plaza in Piedras Negras, fearing new attacks on civilians by gunmen.

Significantly, as is customary authority or media made any statement of facts, for fear of retaliation, because as in other institutions, journalists, policemen and even mayors have been targeted by attacks or "uprisings" , generating a widespread distrust of the authorities.