Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Win A Night At Disneyland

THE intraterrestrial

Sixto Paz Wells

alien races return to Earth.
bearing them underground cities
that they were,
and still inhabited by the natives acclimatized.
customs come down to restore
that were higher than ours,
now disappeared
those expressed in telepathically ... "

(Benjamin Solari Parravicini, Prophecies 1959)
Human beings are multidimensional entities, we have seven vehicles or bodies simultaneously living in a seven-dimensional universe where it is possible to Once the connection to our reality and other realities, parallel universes which can be perceived through levels of consciousness (tuning vibrational states physical, mental and spiritual), for all is vibration.
vibration allows communication, which may be physical, sensory, mental (telepathic) astral, spiritual, or if we put it another way: interdimensional. This communication we establish with others in our reality, or transcend the boundaries of what established with the soul group of animals, with the basic nature, and why not, even with those who, having not finished disembodied transcend or abandon the attachments of the physical plane. In this sense we must always remember that there are things even they can not be.
Upon discovering that we are limitless beings, more so we could think of to communicate with extraterrestrial beings more advanced than they were visiting in high-tech spacecraft, or, with mysterious inner-beings and legendary lost civilizations remaining hidden in the depths of the earth's crust, or with light and immaterial beings ultraterrestrials to which they have been called since ancient times angels or archangels.
The purpose of the communication is mutual learning. We all have much to share and much to learn, so that is good and helpful to remain open, knowing to listen, because only good listener can learn and know in time to convey what they learned. The Universe
no one is better than anyone. Each one is in a different time of evolution, and we all can benefit from observing the various processes. In addition, nobody is really isolated from the rest, but rather the idea is continuous and constant interaction. Therefore anyone who is master may have tripped the stage of discipleship, with no one having been a good student, miss the opportunity to grow up learning to be a good teacher.
Humanity is in the condition of a disciple of life. Today all we are taught, all tell us something if we keep the senses alert, both physical and internal. The present moment has ordered the release of knowledge and accessibility of it, with the risk of errors of the abundance of information, much of it contaminated. After a period
characterized by an abundance of teachers, schools and organizations, today all point to the awakening of the inner teacher, one who does not deceive us and that can help us discern and sense the truth behind the present moment and how much there circuits. This is a stage with unusual experiences, encounters unforeseen and startling revelations, which each must be opened by himself taking the part that touches and is able to digest.
In the contact groups have continued to receive messages from extraterrestrial guides, but in them we have been insisting on the need to prepare to live inner-teacher contacts, contacts of the stage effect Contact Mission. Since these contacts have been supported by field experiences, we open to these experiences which have also been multiplying in number and intensity. Therefore, we can speak in this moment of connection intraterrestrial. As it
intraterrestrial connection, we know that for thousands of years down in the Gobi desert in Mongolia, a group of thirty-two extraterrestrial beings, the same number of different civilizations, which were established in an extraordinary underground city built intended to house, called Shamballa. These beings, who were sent to act as instructors of a burgeoning planetary humanity came at the request of the Council of 24 Elders of the Galaxy or the Government of wise teachers of the planets in the Milky Way evolved to accompany the process of evolution of man on Earth, and to prepare those who were worthy of being the guardians of Hidden Knowledge Archives of Humanity or True Story Planetary; that makes them cousins \u200b\u200bto us visitors from the stars.
foresaw the time when the knowledge of our process would need to be accessible to all people of good will, that he was prepared to find the answers he needed to know and to understand the mission and the collective destiny. Those aliens
who arrived and settled down later in Asia, a network of tunnels and galleries that would link the entire planet, connecting other cities that would form later, because the dynamics of the planet and civilization. In some of these underground cities established in strategic locations in the world, located a few crystals can retain this level to a group of conspirators beings who were deported here by their inappropriate attitudes and bad behavior, and are known in our Myths and Legends as the Fallen Angels.
The first who accompanied the visitors and took intraterrestrial world, were the survivors of civilization Atlantis, one that arose from the hybridization of Guardians and Wardens aliens with people of our world. One of those Atlanteans who rescued much of the inherited knowledge and transfer to a safe place, was the very famous and known Thoth or Hermes Trismegistus, who, though advised the Egyptian culture, he maintained close contact with "Amenti" (the Intramundo). Atlantean culture survived as the Nahuatl peoples, who are heirs of the old saying "Aztlan", an island continent across the seas, but remember the fabulous city of Tenochtitlan, built on an island in Lake Texcoco in Mexico, with canals , which reminds us of the similarity the capital of the legendary Atlantis: Poseidonis or Poseidopolis, mentioned by Plato in his works.
During the long journey of the Mexica people to their promised land, they went inside the cave where intraterrestrial connected with wise teachers. In caves such as the Cerro Culiacan, received a special instruction that would seek to know and realize a mission and destiny.
In the twilight of the Mayan civilization, a significant portion of these people chose to leave to the world intraterrestrial, where he remained until our days making use of knowledge now forgotten outside these areas. Also the Incas in one version of the founding of his empire, to mention four clans, called Ayar Brothers, who left the Hill Tamputoco caverns in Pacaritambo (Cuzco), bringing the knowledge and culture that would have received beings of great wisdom.
Since establishing the kingdom intraterrestrial of "Agharta" whose capital would Shamballa, many people with high spirits of our world have been invited to join the Inner Government of the Planet Positive. Calls to reach these withdrawals or underground cities belong to many religions, schools and philosophies, some even possess higher echelons to waive obviously once integrated into this realm of universalism. Precisely with them has been building what is now known as "The Great White Brotherhood of Inner Retreats" or "Internal Positive Planetary Government." Some remain there, isolated and others, eventually infiltrate our society to take the pulse of events, and link to new squad.
The White Brotherhood is made up of a number of fraternities which act as teams that meet specific functions on Earth, such as keeping the light and knowledge, despite all the efforts of those opposing forces that constantly conspire against humanity, systematically destroying or distorting information. Others are responsible for channel the energies of all groups working with commitment on the surface, depending on the vibrational frequency of the same, among them stands the Brotherhood of the Seven Rays, in the area of \u200b\u200bLake Titicaca (Puno, Peru) has a retreat known as The Abbey "and whose portal of entry would be a giant rock formation where the door carved Hayumarka or Aramu Muru's Portal." A huge porch that way blind door is a puzzle that has not been initiated into the knowledge of the Seven Universal Laws and Principles. Who gets to that place in the right attitude and obeying an inner call, having cleansed and prepared, may not only open the portal using the power of the word or the magic of words (mantras appropriate), but that connected with tunnels and galleries nearby, leading to the exact spot where you will be welcomed by teachers.
In the thick, humid jungles of Manu in the Madre de Dios, also in Peru, is another retreat located precisely at the Blue Moon Valley (Valle de Cosñipata), called "The Paititi" or "The Heart of the Heart ", whose secret name is as the guardians of this retreat:" Quañachoai "and where the last Incas fled taking their wisdom to escape the European conquerors, hoping that after five hundred years of planetary cleansing, as saying a prophecy known as "Pachacuti", everything would return to its proper order and return to Inca rule.
Paititi is a city built on the plateau of Pantiacolla. A mountain where the river Siskibenia, which was known in the past by the few inhabitants of the area, being crossed by tunnels where they lived unfathomable "Paco Pacuris" the Elders who were dressed in white Guardians Teachers who care records World history. This city would be accessed by the mighty and dangerous Alto Madre de Dios River, following later by its tributaries, desafiando la jungla, y llegando después de varios días al Pongo de Mainiqui o Cañon de Pusharo, donde sobre un muro vertical de piedra aparecen multitud de petroglifos con corazones y rostros humanos, los cuales advierten del ingreso en un territorio prohibido, controlado por la Hermandad Blanca, y donde solo aquel que es capaz de hablar con el lenguaje del corazón puede entrar y volver vivo. La mayoría de los exploradores al llegar aquí desiste de continuar por cuanto el lugar prueba violentamente a quienes sin haberse preparado lo suficiente se acercan, envolviéndolos en terribles tormentas y fenómenos atmosféricos. Si uno se atreve a continuar desafiando el estrecho, peligroso y extenso cañón y la espesa jungla, pero especially one's fears, come after three days at the foot of the mountain of Pantiacolla, where the three potential revenue for the city are: through a dark and deceptive Laguna square and deep standing water, full of fierce predatory fish , or by an intricate maze filled abyss cave inhabited by jaguars, or by an almost invisible but slippery in a waterfall cave infested with anacondas. Within the city there is a temple, where "The Great Disk of the Sun" Portal true between dimensions, and once wore his esoteric magnificence on the walls of the Temple of Coricancha in Cuzco.
In Ecuador there in the Cordillera del Condor a network of tunnels connecting all below the Amazon jungle, and have been little explored. The entrance located between the rivers Coangos and Santiago is known as "La Cueva de los Tayos." The cave has impressive gigantic dimensions, being able to appreciate its artificial nature, especially in huge halls and chambers, massive walls and huge lintels worked. There have been those who have fallen after having had contact with bright areas known as "Caneplas" or "Magnetic Synchronizers," and even those who have seen beings of gigantic stature white. Today there is talk that these tunnels are spread over 16 kilometers.
In Brazil there in the Sierra de Portiaria, in the state of Goias, Valley Paraúna jungle, where you can see the surface walls of up to four miles long and four meters tall, hexagonal basalt stones together magnetically caring for an area that has collapsed pyramids covered by vegetation some steps and entrances to underground rivers that lead the world intraterrestrial. Also exist other similar entry in the Sierra del Roncador.
In Uruguay also have tickets to intramundo, although some are definitely dimensional character, as are open occasionally at the Estancia La Aurora, between Paysandu and Salto. Other but as caverns exist in the Sierra de Minas.
Stay In Aurora, whose soil is rich in quartz crystals and many, comes to focus every so often a great energy which collapses space time a door or window opening dimensional, through which aliens come with their ships or planned, and is often seen around beings of light or luminous silhouettes with which contact can be established. There would be a intraterrestrial city, but an interdimensional portal with which to connect to another reality who has awakened their potential and has the proper vibration.
in Argentina has been taking in recent years an awakening of the energy centers and a rediscovery of withdrawals from the White Brotherhood, bringing inner-city public knowledge with which people are learning to link. Today is well known and widespread existence in the cozy town of Capilla del Monte in Cordoba, a legend in which the Indians were able to save the life Comechingones fleeing the European conquerors, entering a cave located between the Hill and Sacred Uritorco the area near Los Terrones. The site is a powerful earth energy line, the rock mass acting as a pyramid Uritorco natural and cosmic collector, a city that would feed intraterrestrial called Erks, which has been repeatedly sighted etherically by locals as an organized set of lights and structures in the distance. One of them had established communication with the people intraterrestrial, receiving the honor of acting as guardian of your income. Unfortunately, this person was killed and now is now one of his sons, who perform that function. What is most evident is the continuing presence of UFOs in the area, especially in the Cerro El Pajarillo where they have come to place huge circular tracks burnt grass on the hills.
Another inner-cities that would exist in Argentina is called "ISIDRIS" under the mountains of Mendoza. It is also called "City of the Caesars", located within walking distance of the resort town of San Carlos de Bariloche, in Patagonia. To reach this retreat is needed to embark on the lakes and after several hours of browsing, enter a natural reserve at the foot of snowy mountains, along narrow paths that introduce you to one in the middle of dense forests that lead to beautiful and lonely glaciers, where hiding underground income.
In northern Chile, La Serena, exists in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Elqui valley known as magical and esoteric Cochiguaz, where in a hidden place between magnetism mountains reach unimagined levels, and where they tend to keep under the presence of alien craft (UFOs), and out of the mountains. At present this location brings the presence of many sincere seekers of light, as teachers of the new time, have settled in the area and guide the pilgrims who went there looking for answers and enlightenment. There's a place where three streams must agree on a hill surrounded by rocks with petroglyphs. There in an old well shamanic opening a dimensional portal to the real connection with the universe. But even this is possible to repeat if it comes at a time and the right attitude.
In Central America, the Republic of Honduras there are some caves with petroglyphs, within walking distance of the city of Tegucigalpa. The symbols and figures displayed on the walls are very similar to those found in the Amazon jungle, repeating the hearts with a human face, spirals and labyrinths. All these figures would be referring to the existence in the Honduran jungles of a lost city intraterrestrial character. That city is called "The White City" and would be located in the jungle of "The Mosquito Coast." In several messages contact our groups have been invited to make a connection issue with that position, which would giving very soon.
In the southern United States, California, is Mount Shasta, a majestic and impressive extinct volcano which contain cave inside one of the internal retreats of the White Brotherhood, which arrive annually and hundreds People who have entered the frequency of teachers and are able to receive guidance. Are continuous comments and testimonies of those who have been witnesses in the presence of white-robed beings too high.
As we see there are many places where you can establish a connection with the White Brotherhood of domestic withdrawals, and the opportunities are multiplying like to make it happen. But why and for what? Are we prepared to cope with the knowledge of our planetary process and the intentions that led to beings from other worlds to act on our planet throughout our history? Are we really in a position to know for sure parents who were our planet, and why and what we exist?
today's discovery of the presence of beings equal to or different from us, of our own nature or of a different nature coexisting with us in the world with its own aims and intentions, is leading us into a deep confrontation with our beliefs. But even if it is ever closer the possibility of dialogue front with these creatures.
We must prepare to face the growing unveiling of secrets and mysteries, as something uncontrollable and evolutionary characteristic of our age that makes what we are not told, we perceive ourselves, but also intuitive or inferred such knowledge will lead to changes significant in our view of life because we are no longer children.
We are in the adolescence of mankind, when we used to assert our individuality and lay the foundation for our future. Is the period of training and definitions, time to face our fears, so it's good to know things as they are mature enough to know that not only cope with failures others, but also correcting our own mistakes on the fly. Sixto Paz


Wish List Baby Shower How Many

Elard - Re: Lizeth-reference to the solar disk and activating to-digest more

Surco, Lima-Peru

"The Sun Disc is a symbol, more than that, it's the middle of the Brotherhood connection between dimensions and universes. Not required to be physically in front of the drive to have the experience of connection, suffice it to you and invoke proyectéis a Being of Light your key to your sound. You will be assisted when you sintáis prepared. Now armonizaos and dialogue with your inner self and then you communicate. "COMMUNICATION

05/02/1926, 10.30 pm
Miraflores, Lima-Peru

" I say that the invitation is for your knowledge profundicéis and vivenciéis on the Mission and the meeting with us your guides and guardians of the sacred precincts of the Galactic Sun. Yes brother, the Galactic Sun, they are replicas of our sun, origin and destination, in this your solar system. Each precinct or temple houses a solar disk that connects us with the wisdom of the father and the Masters of Sol Central Manasic our Local Universe. Keystrokes conscious life are replicated discs and allow exchange student answers to cosmic questions, we and you. The Mission is led well by the Regents of the Local Universe, called "frontier" or "applicant." COMMUNICATION

01/29/1905, 8:30 a.m.
Santiago de Surco, Lima-Peru

" In your world, major changes happen. These will not be drastic as the vibrations of the population are high. Our space brothers columns are holding energy for the Earth's axis changes gradually so that the continents are changed at intervals for taking necessary precautions to the minimum loss of human lives. "

" Therefore, I recommend strengthening the network of light with your prayers and irradiation. Concentrate on the main shopping and call his guards to hold the network. Solar discs are prepared and will be aligned once the network is restored completely. The latter is the work of the Brotherhood and the Earth with which you can collaborate. If so, your desire, you will get directions for travel to the centers of light. "

La Paz, August 1999 LETTER


WORLD" ... the old ones belonging to the Council of 24 Over the galaxy, the time to start planning RAHMA MISSION, also instructed the venerable Amaru Meru (Aramu-Wall or God Meru), the flagship mission to preserve and protect the wonderful tool known as the Solar Disk, and that in purest form, is a living part of the essence and Solar Consciousness on Earth. "

" Iniciático Tiawanaku Center was because in his time what we now call world: "THE GATE OF THE SUN", a gateway to light, and was where should preserve and protect the very essence of the Great Solar Disk, so that with the birth of the latest generation of our civilization, rejoin the active life of man, beginning and birth of a New Humanity. "

" It was there for about 1.000 years ago, they appeared, or rather, out of the Sacred Lake, the Eternal City, two people: Manco Capac and Mama Ocllo, who gave birth to the Empire of the Sun, the Inca Empire, moving from the Lake Retirement Home, the Solar Disk, - under the loving care of the guardians of the Solar Brotherhood - to Cuzco, where protected long and supported the initiation process of this great culture, so that before the discovery of America, within the timeline of human history, to return to where they came, ie: The Retreat Interior Sacred Lake, the City of Light: Eternal City ... "

" MISSION RAHMA, which is nothing but the Sun on Earth, never was, nor others, nor far from the light path of solar initiation, and furthermore, the work of this time with respect to the solar disk. On the contrary, it was the commitment, that of bringing the light wherever we are, waking up and accessing the sanctuary of our own hearts, through the activation of our wonderful Sol Interior, which synchronized the Solar Disk, bring us closer Eternal Fire over the heart of our dear Father, that the planet lies revealed in the great symbol of light as the Sun Disc, as an active part Land of the Great Consciousness of Emanator, the Eternal Living God: The beloved Solar Logos. "

" MISSION RAHMA, which is nothing but the SUN ON EARTH, and was never employed, nor far from the light path SOLAR INITIATION and, indeed, the work of this time with respect to the solar disk. On the contrary, it was the commitment, that of bringing the light wherever we are, waking up and accessing the sanctuary of our own hearts, through the activation of our wonderful Sol Interior, which synchronized the Solar Disk, bring us closer Eternal Fire over the heart of our dear Father, that the planet lies revealed in the great symbol of light as is the solar disk, as an active part in the Land of the Great Consciousness of Emanator, the Eternal Living God: The beloved Solar Logos. "

Cat In The Hat Life Size Cutouts

Video of Meditation-irradiation of the Puerta de Toledo on 13 May at the Puerta del Sol


We want to thank each one of those who came and participated in the irradiation we did on 13 May at the Puerta del Sol

We were about 600 people and connect with 26 cities of Spain and the World to deliver Peace, Love and Consciousness. It was a wonderful event. Insurance repeat. We performed a

Because numerologically May 13 is 22, a master number for the realization of projects in this field. Also, 13 is the number of death and resurrection, death to life old and outdated and the new. In addition, our way of life in the West with respect to time and the shifting of the earth to the sun and the moon is out of date. If you divide 28 days between the lunar cycle is 365 days a year gives us 13 months, 13 moons, 13 constellations, 13 zodiac signs. Irradiation also we wanted to do an exercise in tune with the Cosmos and our Solar System. Les

attached for a video of meditation is not wasted.

A hug of Light!
Madrid Red Light

demonstrate the existence of dark energy
De Jose Manuel Nieves (on 23/05/2011 at 3:08:15 in Science )

The detailed study of more than 200,000 galaxies, one of the largest ever undertaken has confirmed the existence of dark energy, the so far hypothetical, mysterious force opposed to gravity and is considered responsible for the universe to expand ever faster.

The research, which has taken five years of work, has been determined that dark energy is a constant, uniformly affecting the entire universe, pushing to expand at an accelerating rate. Data were collected by the space telescope GALEX (Galaxy Evolution Explorer) spacecraft and the Anglo Australian Telescope in Siding Spring Mountain in Australia.

For over a decade, dark energy, which makes up 74% of the universe (only 4% is ordinary matter and 20% dark matter), has been a force inexplicable and not tested by scientists. Now the results of this new study confirms not only its existence, but that is responsible for the strange way in which galaxies are driven away from each other, despite and beyond its strong gravitational pull.

"The action of dark energy," says Chris Blake, of Swinburne University of Technology in Australia, it is as if we launched a ball into the air and it began to accelerate in the sky, faster and faster. " Blake is the author of the research appearing in two articles in the next issue of the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.
Dark energy was proposed in the late nineties of the twentieth century. The first ideas de su existencia se basan en el estudio de lejanas supernovas, estrellas moribundas que estallan y cuya brillante luz sirve a los astrónomos para calcular su distancia de la Tierra.

Como sabemos muy bien, mirar hacia el cielo significa también mirar al pasado. Y eso es así porque la luz que nos llega de las estrellas y galaxias remotas no nos las muestran como son en el instante de la observación, sino como eran cuando la luz que vemos salió de ellas. Así, observando supernovas a distancias muy diferentes se puede calcular (y de hecho se calculó) lo deprisa que esas supernovas se están alejando de nosotros. Los resultados implicaban la existencia de una fuerza extraña y desconocida, capaz de impulsar a esos objetos away from us at ever greater speeds.

Now, the new study has provided an alternative and independent method to verify those results described. This is actually the first time you perform these checks on a large scale, showing that indeed, the universe is dominated by dark energy.

To begin, astronomers developed a large three-dimensional map with more than 200,000 galaxies, most of them in pairs, observed by the GALEX telescope, an instrument that can identify, by its brightness, the younger galaxies, the most suitable for such studies.

On , the Australian Telescope was obtained detailed information on the light of each of these galaxies and build a pattern to the distances between them. It is known that, on average, the separation between the two members of a couple galaxy is about 500 million light years.

Blake and his colleagues used this information to determine how far was each of the pairs of galaxies from Earth. Same as previous studies supernovae distance data were combined with the speeds at which these pairs of galaxies are receding from us. This showed, again, that space is "stretched" more and more quickly. Researchers also
the galactic map used to study how clusters of galaxies grow over time, leading to contain thousands of individual galaxies. The gravitational force of these clusters continually attracts new galaxies, which are added to the group, but dark energy makes separate. In this way the researchers could measure the amount of force "repulsive" dark energy.

Since the late nineties, the rapid expansion of the Universe is one of the most puzzling discoveries made by astronomers. Now, thanks to this research, we know that dark energy is not a simple way of referring to something we can not explain, but really exists and is responsible for what we observe.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Fashion Show Announcement Wording

THE COSMIC PLAN - Sixto Paz Wells and SIXTO





"In the beginning there was the beginning
because the whole unit and there were always
contained in themselves.
. That is the essence of unity.
was then that the Divine Essence chose duality and loving herself, created the difference.
So did the creation. "

(Revelations of Amarna)

A alien cosmology, and a Cosmic Plan that tells how he started it all, for what purpose and why it was so. This has been revealed for extraterrestrial intelligence, inner-and interdimensional in different ways and through human beings selected for this purpose because of its higher sensitivity and bias. These people have been approached on multiple levels, being the most common forms of contact: telepathy, astral travel consciously, bi-location and direct physical encounter. Much of this knowledge is also found in the registry Askásico Planet or belt that surrounds our world Magnetic recording everything that happens, say or think. The mechanisms and passwords that record are recorded in those people who were prepared earlier, in previous incarnations, and in different parts of the world, waiting to be activated.

According to this universal story, the Cosmos would be divided into three main universes or realities, contained within another. These are the spiritual universe, the Mental and the Material.

The Spiritual Universe or internal Mental created the Universe, and this in turn to the material universe or Septernal.

We live in the material universe that has seven dimensions. In this universe, human beings have seven bodies, allowing us to act in each of these seven dimensions. To raise awareness in each of the seven bodies, seven chakras (wheels) or energy vortexes that are activated through the sacred breath.

The seven bodies are:

The physical body, dense or material.

The Astral or emotional body, also called desires, coupled with the physical body through the umbilical cord of energy called "The Silver Cord," and that breaks when a person dies.

Lower Mental Body or the character and personality.

Higher Mental Body or fourth dimension, courtesy of our mental faculties such as telepathy, clairvoyance, dermóptica, premonition, etc.

the soul body or collection of memories of our past lives.

The Spiritual Body and Spirit, which is consciousness. Finally

Essential Body or our Divine Essence.

When a person dies the physical body dies, but the astral and lower mental just make it up after three days, although some may last longer depending on their attachment to the plane dense, or your family or level of consciousness or unconsciousness that has had such a being.

Animals have a collective soul, the human individual soul. When animals die they put into the pond cosmic or collective soul of nature experience according to the species. Every now and then condenses these cosmic energies of individual souls pond product of a combination of experience and contained. Animals we were not before, but we're a different product, condensation or distillation of that energy.

conscious beings we have an individual soul from the condensations of the energies and experiences contained in the cosmic pond, we are subject to multiple embodiments, in a long process of growth and learning. We are also subject every chance to live in the flesh to evolve in consciousness, so below, assist and guide others to their growth.

Beyond the seventh dimension, as in music, in a higher octave is a parallel universe called the Mental Universe. Accounting for the eighth to the tenth dimension. Beings who live there are not aliens, or inner-terrestrial, but "Ultraterrestrials" and are known to us as true: Angels, Archangels, Thrones, Principalities, Cherubim, Seraphim, Powers and Dominions.

And the eleventh dimension in a third front would universe that would be spiritual. The Cosmos

there is one God, as Divine Essence and Unity, but is manifest in the three universes of different and complementary ways. So in the spiritual universe is called Unity, Divine Essence. The Mental Universe is called the Mother Father Creator, while the material universe is called the Deep Love of Cosmic Consciousness or The Spirit of Love Under God, there are intermediate hierarchies in each of the universes .

said that the universe created Spiritual, Mental, Mental and the Material, so that was not directly God who created our universe, but they were the Parents Creators few entities Mental Universe, Ultraterrestrials beings called "the Hellel" or "the Shining", also known as "The Children of God" that fall under the category of Archangels.

To understand this in relation to human life, we can say that the first three vehicles: the physical, astral and lower mental constitute the Material Plane, so that connect us across the map with the universe Material from seven dimensions. The following three vehicles: the higher mental body, soul and spirit, are the mental plane, so that connect us to the Mental Universe in three dimensions. And the seventh vehicle, which is the body or our Divine essence Divine, which is also divided into three: Will, Wisdom and Love, connects us through the Spiritual Plane to the spiritual universe that is the eleventh dimension on. For this reason the spiritual universe is called "Internal" or "Essential", because it is the origin of all things. Only those who managed to reach the seventh dimension of consciousness, which corresponds to the body of the essence and the spiritual plane could be connected to the spiritual universe.

This material universe in which we live has had many creations, this is not the first nor the last. And as it has a beginning also have an end, which ends up as a recycling group. Despite this universe is finite, has no limits. It's like a mega sphere, inside is like a cheese full of holes.

None of this denies the existence of God, on the contrary shows that the Creator works through intermediaries in the various dimensions and planes.

The first civilizations that emerged in the latter building were guided directly by ultraterrestrials beings, thereby producing a rapidly advancing and auspicious, leading to the civilizations that flourished soon pass a third to a fourth dimension of consciousness, and then continue to fifth and then sixth. Those who were ahead helped the emerging new, in a long chain of solidarity and mutual support.

Mental Universe beings have not evolved like ours, for they were created in the condition found, such as mental beings depend very much that they are able to achieve with us and through us to affecting its development. This is the mental universe created the material as to the extent that material beings in the universe evolve, pushed the outer to reconnect with the spiritual universe, which is the origin of everything and everyone.

ultraterrestrials beings are mental beings, so So all of them passing through the rational, and have knowledge of where everything is and where it is headed. This forces them not to deviate neither right nor left, limiting their free will, but not impossible to make mistakes, but even when they come into contact with the material universe where the scale of emotions may influence them pudiéndoles them lose perspective.

The first civilizations that developed in the latter building, were too much too soon, so his progress and cooperation with others came to a point to survive the rivalries, the influence of the passions and tensions of all type generated by emotions, tried to neutralize these emotions becoming more mental than their own mentors as evolutionarily stagnated. And in a dynamic universe like ours, stagnation is synonymous with death.

This forced the ultraterrestrials beings to participate in a sort of Cosmic Council to assess the origins of the problem and seek the necessary corrections. Among those attending the Council was one of the most famous Father Creator, Lucifer, Lug or Lucifer. Another of those attending the conclave was Michael or Michael.

Lucifer was very clear. He considered that the error had been committed and had caused the stagnation of the most advanced civilizations, making reach a sixth dimension of consciousness, but no further and had stopped leaving the rest in lower dimensions, was due to have provided them with things too much, giving them access to knowledge without effort or difficulty. Had to return to their dynamic creation, and he suggested to introduce in the material universe disruptive entities that obstruct and impede the most pressing evolutionary process the appearance of merit and emotions to give back the dynamics interrupted. Other beings

ultraterrestrials agreed that something had to be done to correct the impasse, but not to change rules of the game and experiment with new alternatives to those civilizations had already walked a path, as it could be misinterpreted by them. On the other hand

Lucifer objected at any time to experiment with new civilizations, which were just starting or who had not yet begun, for it was to elevate a rookie over their stepchildren.

It was then we could call a Solomonic solution, that is, they decided to experiment on civilizations and worlds that had no future at all, which had been destroyed completely and naturally in the process of evolution. So if the project failed because it did not matter those worlds originally had no chance, and if the project worked and came to arise there a civilization with a greater psychic and spiritual potential can inspire new horizons, this would occur in an alternate time, real time outside of the universe. At all times the experiment would remain isolated and can be aborted or terminated at any time.

was decided to select eight planets in category "UR" (blue aura planets that are poised for a higher spiritual development if they survived to their instability, being very unstable planets they easily fall into turmoil and destroyed, or attract impacts meteoric or comets that can destroy both as plant life or alter them), two per galaxy, involving a total of four galaxies from a local group of galaxies that revolves around the M31 the Great Nebula in Andromeda. Chosen planets had already been destroyed and there were at Real Time. One of these planets was Earth.

then were allowed a group of extraterrestrial civilizations travel through time and space by interdimensional shortcuts (bends or cosmic wormholes), reaching the selected planets before they die and preventing succumb, thereby creating a alternative time paradox.

aliens for the time universe is like an upward spiral, so that in one of the spiral curves Earth died, but the universe continued. It was just a thousand two hundred million years that our planet was the victim of meteoric impacts of rain that ended the life of the planet and the planet. Then through the open dimensional portals came auditors (Genetic Engineering and Life Sowers) traveling through space time, reaching our world before succumbing creating another reality, and from that time you create another time that parallels the previous . Supposed to be this, a paradoxical time, was supposed to be irreconcilable with the real-time but events prove otherwise.

Now, what would scientific proof that what I am saying could be true? Just when scientists try to date the age of the universe using the so-called "Doppler Effect", which is the shift towards the red light spectrum, which measures the speed at which galaxies are close and away each other. Accordingly, we calculated that the universe would have between 10,000 and 15,000 million years old. But what scientists can not explain is why when they look in a certain direction of the universe, provided they meet some stars older than the "Big Bang", which is impossible. There can be no stars older than creation. Another interesting element of support for this approach is that in 2002, when the Voyager spacecraft must go outside the solar system to find life on other worlds outside the system, when he directed his cameras and detectors in the direction of the Earth is not detected life in our world. It was a scandal because how could find life on other worlds if not even detected on Earth?. What happened is that the probe had passed close to Jupiter's moons, which have a dimensional portal to communicate with the Real Time of the universe, and within the Real Time there was no life on Earth would not even Earth.

Earth is part of a solar system which in turn is a tiny portion of a galaxy (Milky Way). Our galaxy has more than 400 billion stars, spread over four spiral arms where there are about a hundred billion solar systems. All the worlds most advanced of our galaxy able to help themselves and others are under the regency of a council of 24 Elders, called the Council of the Confederation of Worlds. Below them is a whole hierarchy of civilizations formed by the Genetic Engineering and Planters Life then come the Guardians and caretakers, and finally the Planetary instructors. The 24 Elders of the Galaxy, or Milky Council has a representative in Andromeda, and so each of the satellite galaxies, so that they comprise the Council of 9 Andromeda, and the relation of the central council each of the galaxies, known as the Great White Brotherhood of the Star, symbolized by a six-pointed star symbol of the connection between the universes through the Fourth Dimension or Real Time.

Over time again to destroy our planet, but partially. This was about 65 million years, with that meteor about 10 km in diameter that crashed off the coast of Mexico, our world becoming dangerously tilted on its axis. With this new disaster, the Earth was the first of the eight planets which was ruled chosen the Cosmic Plan. But later, three of the other seven planets were once again destroyed completely, and four stalled evolutionarily, because they spoke so much and so directly, that civilizations arose there processes imitated, finishing just stagnate.

The only planet on which the experimenters lost control of the experiment from the beginning can get to meet the original expectation, is here on Earth. For this he resumed giving a new opportunity, and for millions of years ago the auditors changed the genetics of our ancestors through the power of sound, facilitating and encouraging leaps in evolution. Genetic engineers were seven in the Bible called "Elohim", which fell by about Africa and who directly experienced the proto-hominids. One of those Elohim was directly influenced by Lucifer, his name was Gadreel. It was an alien physician identified with the symbol of the serpent, which in turn boycott the project to encourage our ancestors consisting of several couples who had been placed in a laboratory ship, to eat plants with properties hallucinogenic.

Gadreel was punished for poor performance being left on our planet as an exile, and later took refuge in the world intraterrestrial.

Since the council of "Hellel" decided to carry out the Cosmic Plan or Lucifer Lucifer has been hindering the process, making voice their opposition to his original proposal be varied and adapted. As his attitude has led him to act according to the paper that he had proposed facing and dissociating. And this has been done through various characters throughout the process.

25 thousand years ago one of us, two extraterrestrial civilizations: the Beings from Orion and the Pleiades, given the task of reaching our world as Guardians and Wardens to monitor more closely the evolution of the Plan. The principal of the Orions was a being of reptilian aspect (also identified with the symbolism of the snake) called Satanel or Satan, an alien entity, while loyal follower of the philosophy and guidelines of Lucifer, so did his utmost to boycott and sabotage the Cosmic Plan, generating that level of tension in a sort of war of galaxies whose echoes still resound in the cosmos, facing the guards and watchmen.

In Orion there are many systems and worlds inhabited by all kinds of beings some of humanoid like us, others completely different. Therefore, it is not strange that reptilian looking beings have anthropomorphized in space, because for example this planet where evolution might have come to hold forms evolved from reptiles.

Satanel argued that the human being on Earth could endanger the cosmic order to destabilize and revolutionize everything, being followed by the Orion group who took extreme measures of violence to impose their opinion, what caused them to be submitted and as of dissidents, were finally exiled on Earth. Accustomed to live for thousands of years out of our atmosphere, and died aged here, being trapped in another dimension, stating from where a psychic war of humanity, trying to manipulate and forming a sort of shadow government, which wants to prevent at all costs the evolution of humanity. This negative self-government can not manipulate all mankind, so pick and choose weak-willed people turning their charisma, linked to politics, religion, economics, fashion, music, mafia, drugs, etc so that from there to control and manipulate humanity by stripping force and desire for change, aimed at preventing self-destruction and knowledge of our leading role in concert worlds.

What moves the dissenters to act the way they have done over thousands of years, is the fear of change and a new state of affairs.

While not all participants of dissent Orions, who remained loyal to the Cosmic Plan was allowed to stay on the moons of Jupiter in establishing mining colonies sustained the orbital stations with resources. Since there would be observers of the process, for a moment that could reconnect with humanity as instructors, a vocal and compensation to humanity for the mistakes and injustices committed by the other Rangers.

the Orions were replaced by beings from Sirius (Canis Major) as the Rangers and wardens, working with the Pleiadians, remaining at the forefront of our planet. But the nefarious influence of the exiled got two hundred Pleiadians committed the serious transgression of having sex with humans on Earth, as claimed by the Sumerian tablets, the Book of Genesis Biblical and Apocryphal Book of Enoch. The mestizos that came out of that relationship were collected in an archipelago of ten islands in the Atlantic Ocean giving rise to the Atlantean civilization. The misuse of the Atlanteans were received knowledge of alien parents agreed with a planetary catastrophe cyclical climate change, by removing this civilization from the face of the planet.

The Noah myth that is repeated from one culture to another refers to this catastrophe, and the process of salvaging a small number of people.

This situation with the Orions dissidents and the subsequent problems occurred with the Pleiadians, made the degree of interaction with extraterrestrials created mankind unexpected difficult to break ties. It's like a laboratory where it is experiencing a vaccine, the most prominent scientists featured here are exposed and contaminated with the disease or the other, and now no choice but to find the remedy for one thing and another, but you have to close (seal) in the laboratory with all, being worse than before.

Psalms of the Bible that mention this special condition has been given to humans from Earth to make a difference:

"What is man that thou art mindful of him and for him?

You did little less than angels, crowned with

The glory and dignity,

You gave the command over the work of your hands,

all things under his feet "...

(Salmo8, 5)

Destruction of Atlantis and the last period of Lemuria called "Mu", due to climate change and disasters even then propitiated by human beings, precipitated a first shipment of 32 as extraterrestrials organizers Askhásico registry files, for which fell in the Gobi desert in Mongolia, and founded the legendary Shambala, the world capital of Agharta intraterrestrial established as the White Brotherhood on Earth. The knowledge was kept through a network of tunnels and underground cities in various parts of the world that were available to humanity's time. They were then sent additional 144 but as beings Planetary instructors, which fell in Mesopotamia, and Mesoamerica sporadic seeking direct contact with human populations to help them resume the interrupted process by major disasters.

For all that has been occurring over the past thousands of years on Earth and around it, we can say that whatever happens here and not be circumscribed only to our environment. The auditors can not be mere observers of the process drawing conclusions as attending a Reality TV Show. We are all part of the same story and the same solution. Thus we have seen a proliferation of UFO sightings around the world and events of all kinds. But the aliens are well aware that in this special time of planetary history should not do for us what to us to.

Today we are at the end of a cosmic cycle that had been predicted in a myriad of prophecies in which all fundamental changes we are witnessing worldwide, including Global Climate Change, the Mega disasters, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, the Economic Crisis, Politics, Social and violence and insecurity. In none of these prophecies spoke of the end of the world but the end of time, and that there is an end of time, should have more than one time. Therefore what is expected happens in the next few years is that the alternative time and paradoxical in which we live is coupled, integrated or synchronized with the Real Time of the Universe, so there will be only one time, with all the consequences that this entails. This whole story

very simplified and summarized, hard to believe and internalize the Cosmic Plan and the drama that we live in today.

Sixto Paz Wells

KEY 3333 and the Essenes

"All of you have heard, during the time they are in the Mission, Rama is an awakening of conscience; contact experience extraterrestre; un puente de luz; un puente de ayuda planetaria; una conexión de seres de otros mundos con la humanidad; pero ese puente y contacto no son nuevos. Ya lleva miles de años, no sólo preparándose dentro de éste planeta y fuera de él, sino también creciendo y madurando en las mentes y corazones de hombres que se han venido desarrollando sobre la faz de la Tierra desde hace más de 4.000 años.

En uno de los mensajes de los guías dice: "Descubrirán al final que el verdadero contacto que creían necesitar y necesita­ban tener, era el contacto con ustedes mismos... Esto no sólo se refiere al contacto interno de cada cual consigo mismo para una evolución espiritual, también involves contact between people, forming a group to meet again in timeless time, and were prepared for thousands of years for this moment to baptize: "Definition". The definition is that humanity is approaching a end but an end of a state of affairs, a situation that must end for good of humanity.

Let's go, leaving the third dimension of consciousness, to be entering a transition to the fourth dimension, also of conscience, and in the process the Elder Brothers have specified the call made by 24 elders, which is a designation for that work directly on the collective awakening, amounts to: The fifth of Rama.

It's like a clock placed next to the bed, and this watch in terms of its structure, identify with the Mission branch and the call to the Mission.

ourselves to sleep lying to us, we set the alarm clock so it will sound at a particular time, that time is related to a numerical code that we're getting all of us in different ways. And the key is 3333. More is not just any number, because 4 times 3 is the number 12, which means one of the objectives of the mission, which we have been talking about: the community.

2,000 years ago many of us were in community and come to meet us at the time, many centuries later with a wealth of community experience. But the real community that we envision is one that we will reach through the maturity gained from walking in the Mission. This perfect community, the community mental precisely that which knows neither time nor space, one that is simply "tuning." Line with the plan, with the call and awakening.

We have all agreed to wake up at the same time, though each was in their own home or mental structure, and even deep inside himself without knowing or knowing his mission. We used here all, watch the same clothing or factory, perhaps the same model. And this clock is called the Mission Branch, which is set to ring at 6:33 a.m. the key time, breaking our dream that as a subtle preparation shell waiting for his opportunity, your time.

Some react as if the alarm clock goes off in the early morning, just shut it off, we turn around and continue sleeping. Some would put the clock under the pillow and they will try not to sound choke, or throw him violently to the ground. There are those who have something developed sense of responsibility will ring until it runs out of rope and then jump out of bed, others will rise to the first sound but fall asleep sitting up.

one will also wake up with the first sound and others will do before it rings, the latter are the most responsible and conscientious, while the former are those that are discussed in the unconscious or because they last very little state conscious. The earliest examples are those who turned deaf ears to this call for which they themselves had committed.

And what it means to be ignored or not this called? Compare that with our everyday lives: If we do not get up on time, what will happen?. Do not have time to fix them, bathe or breakfast for the bus on time. Arrive late for work and all this will lead to a thousand and one problems that prevent us from meeting our financial commitments and family. This is what some of us will definitely get up from bed, because if we sleep, we'll worry and anguish over the delay and the subsequent consequences. And where might be late in all this? We may be late to be fully aware and can not take place, since it is up to each one of us in the coming events.

hundred and fifty years before Christ, a group of human beings (all restless through the same Community Mental), left various parts of Israel and met in the desert, along the Dead Sea gathering together to make something that was imminent, which could happen at any moment, and which had to be prepared, alert, vigilant and alert. These people were the Essenes. They knew something big was coming, they had succeeded in interpreting the scriptures, and somehow they knew that their responsibility was related to the information. They also knew that continued to receive revelations that he had never broken link and that information is always present and up to date would be fulfilled soon.

Today, we are called by a mysterious force that motivates us so compelling to go to the desert, staying awake, that wilderness is that of our own interior. This invites us to isolation, the internal contact with oneself, and then strengthened, the same force us to seek the origin of this call, we're getting a call that is the product of a cosmic mission, something that is inspired from "above." We know the source, are the angels of old, these messengers of today. The messengers are again making the call, because again we are in some way, paving the way, but now collectively share the responsibility. And among us are preparing those who will have to warn the rest, that the road is ready to be traversed, the time has come and that everything was ready happen to happen.

Now all that could be problematic is who does not comply the call, prefer to stay asleep and miss the opportunity to ask ourselves. What problem would be! ... not all be prepared, not all take our jobs and we're not there when and where you need us we are needed.

We do not consider anything special. Let us know if we're not going to our work, obviously that after waiting a reasonable time, we replaced, this may be final. All are necessary but neither indispensable in this Mission, which is one of many who are preparing to assume a role.

The community life of the Essenes, in the first century BC, writing and craft reproduction of the sacred writings (there in the solitude and silence) was a way of anticipating the great change. Be there, working there meant great sacrifice, as required by large companies and large investment, as in the parable of the Pearl of Great Price. There was much work to do, had to study and prepare low self-discipline to delegate then receive and transmit information over time and by the action of deceit was degenerate, altered, contaminated, lost. Today we are under the same situation. When we had access to the cave Marcahuasi (6) and live this experience with the old man, he told us that the White Brotherhood needed to host members of the post I needed people to serve as a bridge between the White Brotherhood of the Universe and Earth . From that moment, we assume that Rama Mission should establish the same relationship to the Essene community who had, cutting their ties and previous units, including the error. We knew the time would that the external form is reduced to a name, which label may be discarded without much pain, for the example is clear, everyone knew who were the Essenes, but nobody knew who he was an Essene, because it was more a lifestyle than a partisan or sectarian affiliation. At present, without necessarily having to go to the desert, we find that we are in the desert of spiritual life. Alone, but paradoxically closer than ever.

general unconsciousness makes us feel the loneliness and misunderstanding, but we know that this misunderstanding and even rejection, freedom gives us more fully and can appreciate the solitude and mystical constructive in the middle of the crowd. That's why now, and though he was not necessarily together, in one shrine, site, physical community, etc., We are establishing the unit is on a spiritual level is the bridge that our work is creating, hugging, and relating to any days through us, you assert a concrete and material physics community, where you can deliver it received from the messengers and from there to the world.

(6) See Book The Aliens and the Mission Guides Rama.

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The Final Countdown
Thursday, May 26 at 19 pm
quillota Street 654, between 7 and 8 North, Viña del Mar
The End Countdown
Thursday, May 26 at 19 pm
quillota Street 654, between 7 and 8 North, Viña del Mar

Saturday, May 21, 2011

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Salfate PEACE MAY 21 END OF THE WORLD UFO Denial-P / 1 05/20/2011



Thursday, May 19, 2011

Signs Of Mini Strokes In Dogs

Sixto Paz Wells. The Great Revelation 7 humano.Los 2012.Origen and future fundamentals.

Sixto Paz Wells. The Great Revelation 7 humano.Los 2012.Origen and future fundamentals.
Sixto Paz, is a man who through the years of his life dedicated to disseminate all the knowledge learned from the heavenly teacher, made a broadcaster and educational work worldwide. His latest work presented in Tarragona - Spain, he directs his attention to the unification of human beings towards the path of evolution, known as the "Great Revelation" of 2012.

Victor Salazar

Communication with important instructions for departures Date: April 23, 2011
Time: 11:00 p.m.
Location: Cerro Copalar, Nicaragua
Antenna: EuroAce
Yes, your guides here on mission , giving up on this output activation and connection with the cosmic and planetary energy.
Each is called upon to perform a spiritual work and they require more attentive, clear and confident in their roles, the work to be making good of the human collective
The objectives for this departure were given, but has nevertheless also necessary, not pigeonholed in schemes that lead them to create obstacles in the way and the good results.
were called to arrange a new connection to the crystals found here, and also with the network time. So that to be connecting to this sacred mountain, feel and understand what connects them to her and the entrance to White City, located in the Saslaya. Everything now points to the puzzle together of your history and return those who have come on the steps of their own ways. They are here, but they were in the past, leaving a legacy and an earring now come to complete.
Guidelines for the journey were getting as far as the time approached. But remember 5 years ago we had announced that it would be the time to establish contact with the White Brotherhood from here.
This time the work for which they were called up to expectations were met, not the scheduled contact with the White Brotherhood. It is therefore important to achieve greater development in the guests to live these experiences, knowing now interpret auspicious conditions previously established by the participants. That does not mean that the contact has not been led by teachers, for there were approaches to those that show greater sensitivity, more however, were afraid to carry a larger-scale experience. Also during the entire time they were alone in the mountains, evaluated through our sensors and caneplas. Prepare for a future meeting.

The mission is to take the baton, wearing white robes, at all, so advertise it for this time. Transcendent moments will live moments of direct approach to the elderly. Just like with intensity this reunion of brothers and take no shortcuts responsibility to bring the commitment to greater intensity and completion of objectives.
already had them oriented the whole place was eligible for work and meeting schedule, it was only necessary to seek moments pledged to silence and solitude. But always looking for physical locations. Disregarding environmental signals, the sounds of nature and the behavior of gross energy in the sky that they are the right time. The unity and harmony are crucial, not neglect, without which the results are always lower than expected.

The next trip will be to the Plata River (New Guinea, Nicaragua), the same a reconnaissance trip will initially carry your energies of love and intentions. Being finalized on a work trip next and last place. But that will be broadcast later.

The brothers from Argentina, be prepared to work in contact with the White Brotherhood in the Río de la Plata and the altars, as both places are interrelated with the history and beginnings of humanity in the gardens created in this part Edens of the Americas and its connection with the guards and watchmen. Now is when you draw back the veils being all exposed. Now is when you need to be strong at what they have to know.

That Deep Love Cosmic consciousness guide you.

Love and Light,
Kulba, and Antarel Sordaz

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Blue Films For Mysore Malige

Cosmic Energy in the Andes and Lake Titicaca Interview Mostajo LF Maertens in Malaga Spain by Luis

Cosmic Energy in the Andes and Lake Titicaca Interview Mostajo LF Maertens in Malaga Spain by Luis Videos


Hernia Historical Figures

By: Deepak Chopra
live in an age in which success means getting
achievements mainly materials and project an image consistent with
high status . We value the success of the second car we have,
where we live and what we can buy. Worst of all is that
linked that material success and happiness so if you do not
get happy and we're not bitter.
Here are the 7 Laws:
The law of giving: The universe is energy and is giving and flows
receiving. If we do our best, we will receive the best of
universe revolving around us.
The law of karma: Everything we do has consequences. We
to be aware and responsible for our decisions. If you
positive actions for the rest of the people, your karma will be happy and
successful, but doing the opposite ...
The Law of Least Effort: We must be able to accept what happens
with joy and the best way possible. As much as we want
force something can not be changed, so why worry? There
to let everything flow occurs and the universe will bring the rest.
The law of intention and desire: Use the power of your mind to
get goals. Want something with all your senses and the universe
will get it. Concentrate on the road without thinking
finish line because it will come.
The Law of Detachment: not live in the past anchored . Focus on the
this and let your mind flow to the rhythm of the universe.
The Law of Dharma: All human beings have some
special feature that makes us unique. If we add this
feature the urge to put on a plate to the other,
notice welfare and happiness.
The law of pure potentiality: If you can create a connection
between your conscious with the unconscious part, your soul will
pure potentiality and be in connection with the power of
universe. Remember that the source of all creation is the

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Proper Way To Adjust Rbk Pulse Pads

Teaching Children to Meditate

Teaching Children to Meditate

Child Meditation

If there is something you crave to parents is that their children get when adults reach the longed for happiness and fulfillment that somehow we all seek. But how to begin to convey something so valuable? Surely this can start transmitírseles from children, and no matter the religion or belief you have, what matters is that they start to feel very confident that although the world often seem contradictory, senseless and perhaps painful, is a tool that can accompany you on your adventure to discover and realize their dreams of adventure more honest and sincere, and that tool is called meditation.

The first thing to understand as a parent is that meditation is not something where you need to stay still or abstract in the world, meditation, among other things, a means of leading us to gain consciousness. Gain consciousness means that we realize what we do and why we do, to bring these reflections to consciously grow our actions.

So, this meditation does not require your child to stay still for thinking about certain things, this does not work because children are very restless, his attention shifts too quickly from one thing to another, and it is impossible, as well inadequate, forcing the children think certain things because they subtract its fresh spontaneity and creativity.

Reflective Meditation

active meditation is simply to drive through the small reflection. From 6 to 7 years, a small and can perform this meditation, which aims to develop the ability to observe himself and mature naturally by a conscious reflection and their emotions.

The steps are:

1. Whenever you try to scold your toddler for something that in your opinion was incorrect, you should try to guide you more questions than words of reprimand. Without doubt, learn best when "we realize" that when someone tells us that he was "wrong" something we did. We must take into account that children learn as well as us, experiencing, have no intention, or "bad or good" to make things . However, it will feel really bad or guilty if they do believe that this bad experience, they will eventually formed the idea that there is something wrong with them. This may not be noticed at the time, but surely among scolds the child more and make him feel "was wrong," this will feel more insecure, sooner or later rebel.

2. Guide with questions undoubtedly the best way that the young have to learn and appreciate what they do, is through guided reflection. It should be the desire of wanting to "teach" what is "good or right" and start guide with questions like: What do you think your friend felt when you did that? How did you feel when you did? How could you have solved? The answers you give can then be seasoned with our opinion: "Do not think it hurt" How you have felt if you had passed the same ?

3. not program in words: It is important not to force and carry out the conduct of a very friendly, come before the small friendly and, above all, do not fall on words that define them as something particular, like "you are bad "" You're wrong "" you are very messy, "and so on. Remember that when we talk and we're reprogramming your mind, and all we do with our attitude is to encourage and reinforce these behaviors in them.

These short steps, but not enough, are pre happiness of the next adult, because learning to observe and to consider not only what we feel, but the feelings of others, it is required to better assess the circumstances and enrich our consciousness, which will help small to have a more mature emotional management and conscious, which is equivalent to a full and happy life.

Meditation for children: reduce stress, anxiety and fear

Meditation for children: reduce stress, miedoEl anxiety and stress, anxiety, fear and some other similar emotions are becoming more common in children and young people, which are becoming increasingly frequent and often face problems information not previously had. The use of internet, movies, television, coupled with parents who are away from home for long or live poorly with the children, cause children to have to deal with little understanding of information and experiences to hear, see and feel every day.

These emotions can cause internal tension, insecurity, rebellion or behaviors that ultimately, if they persist, can lead to all sorts of conditions such as insomnia, stress, hyperactivity, attention deficit, poor memory, allergies, etc., due to severe wear experienced by the nervous and immune system to be defensive or afraid of certain situations.

to wane a bit, it is necessary for parents or persons responsible for carrying out a little meditation before bed, so that the little boy go to sleep with thoughts of peace and security, to feed your mind and release the tension in your body, helping to dawn with new courage.

need not spend much time with little, if passed quality is used. So here are this meditation to help you achieve a deeper communication with your child.

How does this meditation?

is not necessary to meditate in a special place. The best thing is, even the small bed. If more children in the room, the better, because before you meditate, they can ask what they like and not a day, for example, and that things could be done to remedy or improve. This will help the child to feel he can influence their environment and help you have a larger vision of things. This You can provide feedback with the participation of siblings or cousins, and even the opinion of the parent or guardian.

This moment of reflection can be incuse in the snack, which diminish the nervousness of the child. May be difficult to achieve at first, but if the child gets used the example of the father, and asks questions or father begins to talk some and ask for an opinion, the child will begin to do so, and is a good time to teach the child to leave the problems "out" when it's time to rest or recreation.

Once you have made this brief meeting, then, at bedtime, will have diminished much of tension and may initiate a meditation that the mind of the little feed back.


need to get some kind of music that is very enjoyable for your child becomes accustomed to when he hears this music relax your mind. The music can help when the father can not do meditation, listening to music just send the child to the state of relaxation that meditation produces. The míuscia that can be used is the instrumental music for babies, whether Beethoven, Mozart music Celtic.

Guided Meditation

meditation should be performed softly. It will ask the child to close his eyes and a deep sigh. Then imagine a small sphere of light, his favorite color to match your frontal lobe (you can tell by pressing gently between your eyes).

Then you have to tell you imagine that this little sphere of light is very bright and grows, and light runs through his veins and throughout his body may, to the smallest, with a brief note a soft contact with the index finger on her arms, legs and back, simulating the way of the veins that must be traveling light.

then be told that this light as a vacuum pick up all the tension of the body.

Once you have done this, then it will tell the small re-focus on the little sphere of light, which already will have gone towards his body and will have collected all the tension. And then, you are asked to send it away to a place in the universe, which exploded and become the little sphere in pure star.

Once this is done, then tell you to imagine wrapped in a ball of light, which will serve as protection, he explained that during the night the brighter light shield.

during meditation
If the little one falls asleep, the better. Creativity can be used to vary the father of meditation every day.

If the child tends to be very nervous, anxious or can not sleep, consider your diet, which may be high in refined sugars, which damages and severely affects the nervous system. It could also have small amounts of essential nutrients and therefore should increase consumption of whole grains, vegetables and fresh fruit in juices freshly made (not purchased at tiendas) o ensaladas.

                                                                                                                                                                Blessings of Light, Pillar Crystel
Communication are

Monday, May 16, 2011

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Communication: 05/10/1911
Location: Playa Juan Dolio, Santo Domingo
Dominican Antenna: Tell-Elam

Yes we are your brothers
Mission Guides contact ustedes.La Island will have the opportunity in March next year to get everyone together in a Meeting for Peace and Future Planet.

will end the month of March 2012.

There is a secret history of this island to be accessed if they try to receive it yourself, know where the origin and the great work entrusted to those who came to inhabit these islands.

Take a ceremonial centers and put in place everything that was taught to open gates and connect to the new time.

Global change is near and as this has positive changes occurring product of your actions.

Trust and continue with your work. Nothing will happen that you can not control and redirect, but this anticípense, feel and look beyond his eyes. Within days

know a lot more knowledge and chime like bells in a church calling everyone to internalize. Prepare

because everything begins to take effect and has to be. Sampiac
With love.

Phoenix Gay Cruising Areas

NASA Announces Results of a grand experiment on the space-time

May 4, 2011: Einstein was right again. In fact, there is a vortex in space-time around the Earth and its form coincides precisely with the predictions of the theory of gravitation Einstein.
These facts were confirmed by investigators at a press conference held at the base of operations for NASA, which announced the much awaited results Gravity Probe B satellite (Gravity Probe B, in English), or GP-B, for its acronym in English.
"The space-time around the Earth is being distorted exactly as predicted by general relativity, says physicist Francis Everitt, Stanford University, who is principal investigator of the Gravity Probe B mission

artist's concept of GP-B probe measuring the curved spacetime around the Earth. [More information].
"This is a great result," says Clifford Will, Washington University in St. Louis. Expert in the theories of Einstein, Will chaired an independent panel of National Research Council, which was created by NASA in 1998 to monitor and review the results of Gravity Probe B. "Someday" predicts, "This is part of the textbooks as one of the classic experiments in the history of physics."
time and space, according to the theories of relativity of Einstein, are intertwined and form a four-dimensional fabric called "space-time." The mass of the earth creates a recess in this tissue, similar to what happens when a heavy person sitting in the middle of a trampoline. According to Einstein, gravity is simply the movement of objects that follow the curved lines cleavage.
If the Earth was kept stationary, that would be the end of the story. But Earth is not steady. Our planet revolves around itself, and the spin should twist slightly slit to form a vortex pulling in four dimensions. This is what GP-B went to investigate in 2004.
The idea behind the experiment is simple:
Place a gyroscope in orbit around Earth, with the spin axis pointed toward some distant star, to serve as fixed reference point. Because it is free of external forces, the gyroscope's axis should continue pointing at the star forever. But if space is twisted, the direction in which points the axis of the gyroscope should change over time. In recording this change of direction on the star, it would be possible to measure the twisting of space-time.
However, in practice, the experiment is quite difficult.

One super spherical gyroscopes Gravity Probe B. [More]
The four gyroscopes that are located on board the GP-B are the most perfect spheres created by man. These spheres of fused quartz and silicon measured 3.8 centimeters (1.5 inches) in diameter (the size of a ping-pong ball) and never be diverted from areas perfect in more than 40 layers of atoms. If the gyroscopes were not so spherical, their spin axes would wobble even without the intervention of the effects of relativity.
By some estimates, the twisting of spacetime around Earth should cause the axes of the gyroscopes to change just 0.041 seconds of arc per year. One arcsecond is 1/3600va of a degree. To measure this angle correctly, the GP-B needed a fantastic precision of 0.0005 arcseconds. This is as difficult as measuring the thickness of a sheet of paper side view from a distance of almost 161 kilometers (100 miles).
"Researchers by GP-B had to invent entirely new technologies to make this possible, "added Will.
They developed a satellite-free" drag "that could touch the outer layers of the Earth's atmosphere without disturbing the gyroscopes. solved the problem of preventing the Earth's magnetic field penetrates inside the ship. also invented a device capable of measuring the spin of a gyroscope without touching it. For more information about these technologies, please consult History of Science @ NASA: "A corner where everything is (almost) perfect."
Perform the experiment was an exceptional challenge. But after a year of capture data and almost five years of analysis, researchers from the GP-B appear to have succeeded.
"We measured a geodetic precession of 6.600 about 0.017 seconds of arc and a frame-dragging effect of 0.039 about 0.007 seconds of arc," says Everitt.
For readers who are not experts on relativity: the geodetic precession is the wobble caused by the static mass of the Earth (the slit in space-time) and the frame-dragging effect is the wobble due to rotation of the Earth (the twisting of space-time.) Both values \u200b\u200bcoincide precisely with the predictions of Einstein.
"In the opinion of the committee that I chair, this effort was truly heroic. We are left speechless, "says Will.

artist's concept of space-time around a black hole. Photo Credit: Joe Bergeron of Sky & Telescope magazine.
The results of the Gravity Probe B has given physicists a renewed confidence that the strange predictions of Einstein's theory is indeed correct, and that these predictions can therefore be applied in other cases. The kind of space-time vortex that exists around the Earth is duplicated and expanded elsewhere in the cosmos, such as around massive neutron stars, black holes and active galactic nuclei.
"If you try to spin a gyroscope in the severely distorted region of space-time around a black hole," says Will, "would not make a precession gently for a fraction of a degree. Would be shaken violently and could even turn around ".
In black hole binary systems, ie, where a black hole orbit to another, the same black holes are spinning and therefore behave as gyroscopes. Imagine a system of black holes orbiting each other, swaying and even continuously turning around! That's the kind of thing that general relativity predicts that the GP-B confirms that indeed may occur.
scientific legacy of the GP-B is not limited to general relativity. The project also touched the lives of hundreds of young scientists:
"Because the project was led by a university, many students could participate in it," says Everitt. "More than 86 doctoral dissertations at Stanford and 14 other universities were awarded to students who worked on the project of the GP-B. It also involved several hundred college students and 55 high school students and even an astronaut and physicist Sally Ride Eric Cornell, who won the Nobel Prize. "
Funding for NASA's Gravity Probe B began in the fall of 1963. That means say, Everitt and his colleagues have been planning, promoting, building, operating and analyzing data from the experiment for more than 47 years. It is undoubtedly a huge effort.
What's next?
Everitt remembers some advice he gave her thesis advisor Patrick MS Blackett, who won the Nobel Prize: "If you can not think of what physics research then invent a new technology and that will lead to new physics."
"Well," says Everitt, "invented 13 new technologies for Gravity Probe B. Who knows where they take us?"
After all, this could be just the beginning of this epic