Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Win A Night At Disneyland

THE intraterrestrial

Sixto Paz Wells

alien races return to Earth.
bearing them underground cities
that they were,
and still inhabited by the natives acclimatized.
customs come down to restore
that were higher than ours,
now disappeared
those expressed in telepathically ... "

(Benjamin Solari Parravicini, Prophecies 1959)
Human beings are multidimensional entities, we have seven vehicles or bodies simultaneously living in a seven-dimensional universe where it is possible to Once the connection to our reality and other realities, parallel universes which can be perceived through levels of consciousness (tuning vibrational states physical, mental and spiritual), for all is vibration.
vibration allows communication, which may be physical, sensory, mental (telepathic) astral, spiritual, or if we put it another way: interdimensional. This communication we establish with others in our reality, or transcend the boundaries of what established with the soul group of animals, with the basic nature, and why not, even with those who, having not finished disembodied transcend or abandon the attachments of the physical plane. In this sense we must always remember that there are things even they can not be.
Upon discovering that we are limitless beings, more so we could think of to communicate with extraterrestrial beings more advanced than they were visiting in high-tech spacecraft, or, with mysterious inner-beings and legendary lost civilizations remaining hidden in the depths of the earth's crust, or with light and immaterial beings ultraterrestrials to which they have been called since ancient times angels or archangels.
The purpose of the communication is mutual learning. We all have much to share and much to learn, so that is good and helpful to remain open, knowing to listen, because only good listener can learn and know in time to convey what they learned. The Universe
no one is better than anyone. Each one is in a different time of evolution, and we all can benefit from observing the various processes. In addition, nobody is really isolated from the rest, but rather the idea is continuous and constant interaction. Therefore anyone who is master may have tripped the stage of discipleship, with no one having been a good student, miss the opportunity to grow up learning to be a good teacher.
Humanity is in the condition of a disciple of life. Today all we are taught, all tell us something if we keep the senses alert, both physical and internal. The present moment has ordered the release of knowledge and accessibility of it, with the risk of errors of the abundance of information, much of it contaminated. After a period
characterized by an abundance of teachers, schools and organizations, today all point to the awakening of the inner teacher, one who does not deceive us and that can help us discern and sense the truth behind the present moment and how much there circuits. This is a stage with unusual experiences, encounters unforeseen and startling revelations, which each must be opened by himself taking the part that touches and is able to digest.
In the contact groups have continued to receive messages from extraterrestrial guides, but in them we have been insisting on the need to prepare to live inner-teacher contacts, contacts of the stage effect Contact Mission. Since these contacts have been supported by field experiences, we open to these experiences which have also been multiplying in number and intensity. Therefore, we can speak in this moment of connection intraterrestrial. As it
intraterrestrial connection, we know that for thousands of years down in the Gobi desert in Mongolia, a group of thirty-two extraterrestrial beings, the same number of different civilizations, which were established in an extraordinary underground city built intended to house, called Shamballa. These beings, who were sent to act as instructors of a burgeoning planetary humanity came at the request of the Council of 24 Elders of the Galaxy or the Government of wise teachers of the planets in the Milky Way evolved to accompany the process of evolution of man on Earth, and to prepare those who were worthy of being the guardians of Hidden Knowledge Archives of Humanity or True Story Planetary; that makes them cousins \u200b\u200bto us visitors from the stars.
foresaw the time when the knowledge of our process would need to be accessible to all people of good will, that he was prepared to find the answers he needed to know and to understand the mission and the collective destiny. Those aliens
who arrived and settled down later in Asia, a network of tunnels and galleries that would link the entire planet, connecting other cities that would form later, because the dynamics of the planet and civilization. In some of these underground cities established in strategic locations in the world, located a few crystals can retain this level to a group of conspirators beings who were deported here by their inappropriate attitudes and bad behavior, and are known in our Myths and Legends as the Fallen Angels.
The first who accompanied the visitors and took intraterrestrial world, were the survivors of civilization Atlantis, one that arose from the hybridization of Guardians and Wardens aliens with people of our world. One of those Atlanteans who rescued much of the inherited knowledge and transfer to a safe place, was the very famous and known Thoth or Hermes Trismegistus, who, though advised the Egyptian culture, he maintained close contact with "Amenti" (the Intramundo). Atlantean culture survived as the Nahuatl peoples, who are heirs of the old saying "Aztlan", an island continent across the seas, but remember the fabulous city of Tenochtitlan, built on an island in Lake Texcoco in Mexico, with canals , which reminds us of the similarity the capital of the legendary Atlantis: Poseidonis or Poseidopolis, mentioned by Plato in his works.
During the long journey of the Mexica people to their promised land, they went inside the cave where intraterrestrial connected with wise teachers. In caves such as the Cerro Culiacan, received a special instruction that would seek to know and realize a mission and destiny.
In the twilight of the Mayan civilization, a significant portion of these people chose to leave to the world intraterrestrial, where he remained until our days making use of knowledge now forgotten outside these areas. Also the Incas in one version of the founding of his empire, to mention four clans, called Ayar Brothers, who left the Hill Tamputoco caverns in Pacaritambo (Cuzco), bringing the knowledge and culture that would have received beings of great wisdom.
Since establishing the kingdom intraterrestrial of "Agharta" whose capital would Shamballa, many people with high spirits of our world have been invited to join the Inner Government of the Planet Positive. Calls to reach these withdrawals or underground cities belong to many religions, schools and philosophies, some even possess higher echelons to waive obviously once integrated into this realm of universalism. Precisely with them has been building what is now known as "The Great White Brotherhood of Inner Retreats" or "Internal Positive Planetary Government." Some remain there, isolated and others, eventually infiltrate our society to take the pulse of events, and link to new squad.
The White Brotherhood is made up of a number of fraternities which act as teams that meet specific functions on Earth, such as keeping the light and knowledge, despite all the efforts of those opposing forces that constantly conspire against humanity, systematically destroying or distorting information. Others are responsible for channel the energies of all groups working with commitment on the surface, depending on the vibrational frequency of the same, among them stands the Brotherhood of the Seven Rays, in the area of \u200b\u200bLake Titicaca (Puno, Peru) has a retreat known as The Abbey "and whose portal of entry would be a giant rock formation where the door carved Hayumarka or Aramu Muru's Portal." A huge porch that way blind door is a puzzle that has not been initiated into the knowledge of the Seven Universal Laws and Principles. Who gets to that place in the right attitude and obeying an inner call, having cleansed and prepared, may not only open the portal using the power of the word or the magic of words (mantras appropriate), but that connected with tunnels and galleries nearby, leading to the exact spot where you will be welcomed by teachers.
In the thick, humid jungles of Manu in the Madre de Dios, also in Peru, is another retreat located precisely at the Blue Moon Valley (Valle de Cosñipata), called "The Paititi" or "The Heart of the Heart ", whose secret name is as the guardians of this retreat:" Quañachoai "and where the last Incas fled taking their wisdom to escape the European conquerors, hoping that after five hundred years of planetary cleansing, as saying a prophecy known as "Pachacuti", everything would return to its proper order and return to Inca rule.
Paititi is a city built on the plateau of Pantiacolla. A mountain where the river Siskibenia, which was known in the past by the few inhabitants of the area, being crossed by tunnels where they lived unfathomable "Paco Pacuris" the Elders who were dressed in white Guardians Teachers who care records World history. This city would be accessed by the mighty and dangerous Alto Madre de Dios River, following later by its tributaries, desafiando la jungla, y llegando después de varios días al Pongo de Mainiqui o Cañon de Pusharo, donde sobre un muro vertical de piedra aparecen multitud de petroglifos con corazones y rostros humanos, los cuales advierten del ingreso en un territorio prohibido, controlado por la Hermandad Blanca, y donde solo aquel que es capaz de hablar con el lenguaje del corazón puede entrar y volver vivo. La mayoría de los exploradores al llegar aquí desiste de continuar por cuanto el lugar prueba violentamente a quienes sin haberse preparado lo suficiente se acercan, envolviéndolos en terribles tormentas y fenómenos atmosféricos. Si uno se atreve a continuar desafiando el estrecho, peligroso y extenso cañón y la espesa jungla, pero especially one's fears, come after three days at the foot of the mountain of Pantiacolla, where the three potential revenue for the city are: through a dark and deceptive Laguna square and deep standing water, full of fierce predatory fish , or by an intricate maze filled abyss cave inhabited by jaguars, or by an almost invisible but slippery in a waterfall cave infested with anacondas. Within the city there is a temple, where "The Great Disk of the Sun" Portal true between dimensions, and once wore his esoteric magnificence on the walls of the Temple of Coricancha in Cuzco.
In Ecuador there in the Cordillera del Condor a network of tunnels connecting all below the Amazon jungle, and have been little explored. The entrance located between the rivers Coangos and Santiago is known as "La Cueva de los Tayos." The cave has impressive gigantic dimensions, being able to appreciate its artificial nature, especially in huge halls and chambers, massive walls and huge lintels worked. There have been those who have fallen after having had contact with bright areas known as "Caneplas" or "Magnetic Synchronizers," and even those who have seen beings of gigantic stature white. Today there is talk that these tunnels are spread over 16 kilometers.
In Brazil there in the Sierra de Portiaria, in the state of Goias, Valley Paraúna jungle, where you can see the surface walls of up to four miles long and four meters tall, hexagonal basalt stones together magnetically caring for an area that has collapsed pyramids covered by vegetation some steps and entrances to underground rivers that lead the world intraterrestrial. Also exist other similar entry in the Sierra del Roncador.
In Uruguay also have tickets to intramundo, although some are definitely dimensional character, as are open occasionally at the Estancia La Aurora, between Paysandu and Salto. Other but as caverns exist in the Sierra de Minas.
Stay In Aurora, whose soil is rich in quartz crystals and many, comes to focus every so often a great energy which collapses space time a door or window opening dimensional, through which aliens come with their ships or planned, and is often seen around beings of light or luminous silhouettes with which contact can be established. There would be a intraterrestrial city, but an interdimensional portal with which to connect to another reality who has awakened their potential and has the proper vibration.
in Argentina has been taking in recent years an awakening of the energy centers and a rediscovery of withdrawals from the White Brotherhood, bringing inner-city public knowledge with which people are learning to link. Today is well known and widespread existence in the cozy town of Capilla del Monte in Cordoba, a legend in which the Indians were able to save the life Comechingones fleeing the European conquerors, entering a cave located between the Hill and Sacred Uritorco the area near Los Terrones. The site is a powerful earth energy line, the rock mass acting as a pyramid Uritorco natural and cosmic collector, a city that would feed intraterrestrial called Erks, which has been repeatedly sighted etherically by locals as an organized set of lights and structures in the distance. One of them had established communication with the people intraterrestrial, receiving the honor of acting as guardian of your income. Unfortunately, this person was killed and now is now one of his sons, who perform that function. What is most evident is the continuing presence of UFOs in the area, especially in the Cerro El Pajarillo where they have come to place huge circular tracks burnt grass on the hills.
Another inner-cities that would exist in Argentina is called "ISIDRIS" under the mountains of Mendoza. It is also called "City of the Caesars", located within walking distance of the resort town of San Carlos de Bariloche, in Patagonia. To reach this retreat is needed to embark on the lakes and after several hours of browsing, enter a natural reserve at the foot of snowy mountains, along narrow paths that introduce you to one in the middle of dense forests that lead to beautiful and lonely glaciers, where hiding underground income.
In northern Chile, La Serena, exists in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Elqui valley known as magical and esoteric Cochiguaz, where in a hidden place between magnetism mountains reach unimagined levels, and where they tend to keep under the presence of alien craft (UFOs), and out of the mountains. At present this location brings the presence of many sincere seekers of light, as teachers of the new time, have settled in the area and guide the pilgrims who went there looking for answers and enlightenment. There's a place where three streams must agree on a hill surrounded by rocks with petroglyphs. There in an old well shamanic opening a dimensional portal to the real connection with the universe. But even this is possible to repeat if it comes at a time and the right attitude.
In Central America, the Republic of Honduras there are some caves with petroglyphs, within walking distance of the city of Tegucigalpa. The symbols and figures displayed on the walls are very similar to those found in the Amazon jungle, repeating the hearts with a human face, spirals and labyrinths. All these figures would be referring to the existence in the Honduran jungles of a lost city intraterrestrial character. That city is called "The White City" and would be located in the jungle of "The Mosquito Coast." In several messages contact our groups have been invited to make a connection issue with that position, which would giving very soon.
In the southern United States, California, is Mount Shasta, a majestic and impressive extinct volcano which contain cave inside one of the internal retreats of the White Brotherhood, which arrive annually and hundreds People who have entered the frequency of teachers and are able to receive guidance. Are continuous comments and testimonies of those who have been witnesses in the presence of white-robed beings too high.
As we see there are many places where you can establish a connection with the White Brotherhood of domestic withdrawals, and the opportunities are multiplying like to make it happen. But why and for what? Are we prepared to cope with the knowledge of our planetary process and the intentions that led to beings from other worlds to act on our planet throughout our history? Are we really in a position to know for sure parents who were our planet, and why and what we exist?
today's discovery of the presence of beings equal to or different from us, of our own nature or of a different nature coexisting with us in the world with its own aims and intentions, is leading us into a deep confrontation with our beliefs. But even if it is ever closer the possibility of dialogue front with these creatures.
We must prepare to face the growing unveiling of secrets and mysteries, as something uncontrollable and evolutionary characteristic of our age that makes what we are not told, we perceive ourselves, but also intuitive or inferred such knowledge will lead to changes significant in our view of life because we are no longer children.
We are in the adolescence of mankind, when we used to assert our individuality and lay the foundation for our future. Is the period of training and definitions, time to face our fears, so it's good to know things as they are mature enough to know that not only cope with failures others, but also correcting our own mistakes on the fly. Sixto Paz



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