Sunday, May 15, 2011

Can I Get A Car With A Cocktail Waitress Job

(a satellite UNIVERSAL)

the Infinite Universe exists among the many millions of galaxies, the so-called "Milky Way", from where we stand we men of the earth. A planet within this great galaxy, especially in a system that has a star and we men have agreed to call "Sun", and therefore names the system called "Solar System."
A system has 9 planets known to the Earth Science, these are: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, according to the order given its proximity to the sun.
Men of Earth, are the ones who wrote this work, moving away from the conception simplistic and egocentric, that man on Earth was the only one thinking and above all the Universe, and keep your mind very poor idea on earth that life could exist only to be able to understand, in a Universe heavily populated, what role you have to play to humanity and what is their role in this tiny plane of evolution, which is the planet we inhabit.
The purpose of this work is to understand more the role of humanity in the light of the evolution of our Elder Brothers of Space, which is why we tell all that we have knowledge and understanding of their community life on their planets, through personal experiences a group of young people who live Xendra experience in the sands of Chilca 1,974 in August. I have talked about, as mentioned, the lives of these dear brothers guides who were responsible for preparing to meet the Branch Mission, Mission Secondary reasons for the evolution of humanity. The mission is to save the man by man, that is seeking to save mankind from the person rather than giving importance to save the corporeality of man, since man is eternal in its entirety, plus your body is fleeting, but a necessary tool to some extent.
A colony of Orion in the solar system, called Morlen in one of the satellites of Jupiter, its people, to which are known, giving us his love and spirituality in the mission to change, these people should be role models for our evolution to them whose life is an example to follow.
The planet Jupiter is the fifth in the Solar System and the largest of all who make, very bright, with 12 satellites, including Amalthea, Ganymede, Io, Europa, Callisto etc.
600'000 The distance from Earth, 000 miles making its revolution around the sun in 11 years, 10 months and 17 days.
is considered consisting of a solid core surrounded by layers of thick ice and ammonia from a dense extended atmosphere its top, which is the visible, is at a temperature of about 120 degrees below zero.
Jupiter is like a small sun, which condenses the energy it receives from the Sun and its satellites refracted; of the 12 that is, four of which are referred to the possibility of life and as confirmed contacts aliens, these are: Morlen (Morlen is the name assigned to the Guides rather than Ganymede, we know that the Earth), Europa, Callisto and Io, of which are known to be among them some are for cities and bases, the other for storage or services.
Morlen is approximately 17.50 times smaller than Earth; has a mass about 1 / 39 of Earth and slightly more than twice the Moon. The length of your day is 7,155 times our own, which is to say that takes about 10.032 minutes, which is 171 hours and 42 minutes. The distance that separates it from Jupiter, is 2.78 times that separates us from the moon and therefore a 1'071, 000 miles.
's Sky is 18 times smaller than Earth's. Given its proximity to the Great Jupiter whose radius is one tenth of the solar radius, but is 145 times closer than Morlen Tierra del Sol is worth noting that Jupiter appears in the sky 15 times larger than the sun appears in the Tierra y que, teniendo en cuenta la reducción celeste, Júpiter ocupará unas 252 veces más de firmamento en Morlen que el Sol en la Tierra.
Para hacer algún recuento de lo dicho y dándonos una ayuda astronómica, haremos pues mención a la diferenciación de las estrellas y de los planetas, aún a simple vista, que es fácil, atendiendo a su brillo y movimientos propios. En primer lugar se caracteriza el brillo de los planetas por mostrarse tranquilo y sin centelleo. La causa es fácil de comprender, sabiendo que el centelleo se debe a una falta de homogeneidad de las capas atmosféricas. Estas vibraciones ópticas, que dan lugar a palpitaciones de luz y a cambios de colocación, se manifiestan clearly when the light source is a point, as the stars, but they disappear or are damped when the focus is presented with an apparent diameter sensitive, as in the planets, since then compounded by the effects of a series of oscillations at different stages , giving an overall average constant.
But a continuous observation of the position of the stars and planets allow us to recognize the presence of the latter with certainty. We know that the planets describe special curves on the celestial sphere as a result of the combination of movements and the shifting of the Earth. In contrast, stars, located at enormous distances from us, offer moves very slow, requiring highly sensitive instruments and large time intervals so that they become sensitive.
Morlen or Ganymede, as mentioned above is the largest of the satellites of Jupiter discovered by Galileo in 1.610.
Jupiterians Three of the satellites, Io, Europa and Callisto, offer features similar to those of the Moon and is believed to consist of rocks. Ganymede, however, whose density is about 0.6, should be disturbed by ammonia and water, both in solid state. As the albedo of the first three is very high, ie, they are good reflectors of sunlight, it follows that their surfaces must have characteristics different from the Moon, being, perhaps, covered by frozen gases. It is possible that these satellites still have atmosphere, in which case it would consist of heavy gases, as volatile and have escaped. But be completely lost if they have undergone a prolonged high temperatures.
So far the scientific view of Earth (admittedly still limited by technical and basic), which has helped us to find within this universe.

Morlen as noted, had no life of its own, was favored by settlers from Orion, which artificially managed to bring the atmosphere to live in the Satellite.
as the first settlers arrived 20,000 years ago Earth time before Christ, led by the patriarchs who then coordinate the government of the new colony.
The place was a source of materials, including cesium Crystals, precious element that seeks a variety of applications.
Settlers were in number of 2.500, settled in the great valleys found. And it took 200 years, which strengthened the Colony went underground using semi-large in the planning of cities, like we used large natural crystals of Io, another nearest satellite, to build houses. These rock crystals, through technical and processing methods due to its large size, they took as buildings were good and very practical building materials. Their spherical shapes are the funny vision of Eskimo igloo, and their different sizes were accommodating the various buildings that today are upright on the plains Morlen Valley.
The Patriarchs of the colony had taken the task of guiding the new population, in what is called the coordination of the Ancients or Council of Juvenile Morlen, consisting of 12 Venerable, including:
JOAQUIN, SENERAL, Anura, IRIMON, SOLOVIAC, nodding, OMUNI, ONIRIN, OMITON, JROVEL, LeRon OXMUZ And who would ensure the development of the colony.
Among the first inhabitants of the Patriarchs were reconditioned satellite Raman and OXIL, those high-minded and timeless wisdom had found the Mission of the colony, which should be "COLONY COLONIES" was so responsible for promoting the valleys adjacent to the 4 major cities formed at the time: 2 cities that would be the asylum of the members of races that were in danger of being destroyed, fulfilling the role of Confederate of the "Great Galactic Federation Star," or is offering its unceasing support changing world.
Raman and Oxil Masters, became part of the Council of 24 Elders of the Galaxy, due to its evolution, not representing any particular planet, but perfection itself.
The main concerns of the new colony not only remained in the set there, but can also benefit from the exploitation of the aforementioned crystals, which were much needed in Orion. And the satellite Io was an inexhaustible source of this rare material, and ensured the continuity of adjacent satellite civilized group, also due to the existence of internal energy, volcanic it was profitable.
The site was subjected to various tests, it is reconstituted for the life of beings who needed oxygen, were brought and planted large varieties of plants, previously selected and analyzed. Nearby planets were visited in search of some important material and woody vegetation and few animals were initially adapted to the life of the place because the atmosphere was not yet fully regulated. Even the settlers wore diving suits and moved awkwardly on the valleys of the Plain of Morlen.
Life was gradually adapting to the place, as it was the proper atmosphere for existence.
emerged Cities y las instalaciones técnicas que se encargarían de recibir, absorbiendo la energía solar, como la radiación cósmica ya estaban en funcionamiento. Surgieron las escuelas, centros de capacitación académica, los museos, las bases; todo estaba listo como para albergar a nuevos colonos y con una organización bien establecida, prepararse a realizar trabajos que competen a toda colonia de la Confederación.
Todos nosotros tenemos interés, de saber si ellos tuvieron guerras en su Historia, o sucesos que cambiaron radicalmente su forma de vivir.
Como Mundo, presenta una forma mucho más organizada y de estrecha relación entre seres superiores. El ambiente que allí rodea al individuo, you can come without bad examples, as within the Community Morleana, the experience of thousands of years of evolution, from Orion, has been to simplify their lives, preventing complications, but deepening it. The deepening does not occur only on a spiritual level, philosophical or scientific, but gives a highly integrated level of knowledge of spirituality, which is singled out and touch us scientific knowledge differs from purely material, which is reduced to a very narrow field.
As mentioned, during the time they have established colonies, there have been no internal disagreements, because the community group is increasingly integrally linked in spiritual growth. Further, not all worlds are spiritually evolved, there are those in which his interest is greater than the conquest of improving beings, and so our Morlen, like many others, like Earth and Venus, and the ships Confederation which have always protected the world evolves and children. More ships not only managed to defeat the defense of evolution, but also the forces beyond the known, spiritual forces whose power can not be measured, rather than the measure of love. For 200 years
came Morlen studying how the sun's energy galactic radiation that is the center of the Milky Way would begin to reach the solar system, in 21970 years of the arrival of the colony Morlen or 1.970 in front of the Christian era on Earth, for this planet would suffer a large phase change and offer better living conditions. Upon receipt of this energy in its early days, people who lived in those worlds would be greatly affected, so required a preparation to receive it, and this preparation would be a tip on the correct vegetarianism in physical exercise, meditation and concentration for the preparation of the mind. As part of the preparation would detoxify and positivist spirit; the expected effects of not preparing people would include the strong radiation which would result in the emergence of diseases that kill many creatures, unable to find a remedy science.
But this, the Jovian satellite would host the 24 Council of Elders of the Galaxy, or coordinating body for all Confederates advanced worlds of the Milky Way. So for the year 1.001 BC the Council would focus on a major satellite cities, to develop their work on the preparation of systems and planets would be ready to receive the first wave of Galactic Sun's energy, in addition, the Council would coordinate the change phase and stage of evolution of Earth-like worlds (year 2.000 AD)
Morlen, at first, was established in four cities, among these the oldest is "CRYSTAL CITY", now headquarters of the Council of Confederation of the Galaxy. In this city you can appreciate the nature of the buildings, this is where it sets a very high coordination body and spiritual direction. We could describe this majestic and impressive city, naming the buildings that stand in beautiful, crystal city, so we see the huge dome of the "Council of 24", the center where all converge ways, is characterized as the largest building and which are also all major underground, where cosmic knowledge is stored. We also have the great structure of the sports stadium, which does not comply with the wrong function we have assigned here on Earth, men consider the "Sports" as a synonym for competition or Cultivation Corps is an error, the true meaning of "SPORT" is "recreation."
When he assigned the wrong meaning of competition, makes the sport a subtle war between countries and a way of reaffirming the rivalry between men, the lack of brotherhood there should reign. Therefore we ask: why now in football, basketball, etc.., Fighting ends? Sports is that man does not give you the peace you are looking for and need not give the proper relaxation, as the body eliminates toxins, but the mind fills with toxins worse, are the desire to win, the tension sports is intoxicating the mind of man.
also happens when the man assigned to the sport growing significance of the body, which is only doing is to raise your EGO. So unconscious is praising the matter and this is bad, extreme cases of idolatry to the body, by athletes, lead to narcissism.
Sport in Morlen, is based on recreation and physical and mental relaxation, something that we learn the land.
In our journey through the "Crystal City" (so named because all buildings are made on the basis of rock crystal, opaque color and great consistency), we observed the Terms of Ships and the Department of Agriculture, where analyzed plants from around the universe, also toured the Center of Mineralogy, areas parks, wonderful museums, astronomical and cosmological Branches, the higher centers, universities and laboratories.
This city's most important Morlen currently has 3.000 inhabitants, and has an exquisite taste in decor that is entirely natural, with every kind of vegetation along streets and buildings. We note that the most beautiful of all the city is the "Art Centre", which reminds us of the Greek amphitheaters. Most teachers and students, are made here, which explains to avoid crowds of people, it would not be functional. But we pause here to mention an important point, in Morlen there is no central government, which often results in the imbalance of cities and the heterogeneous development.
When referring to this great city could treat several aspects, among them the Organization based fully in the community or communities - UNIT Brothers, where the family has been eradicated, by the great family of all beings and where the couple, the culmination of mature love is the main element of the functionality of the colony.
The couple still maintains sexual relationship, but physical pleasure is outweighed by the highest pleasure of working together for the good of others, man and woman, positive and negative, are complementary in achieving natural affinity perfect union: the work, concerns, and in the interest in spiritual and mental attraction, while physical attraction. Souls are complementary and, at all levels, being the best co-workers, and if the notes a clairvoyant can see auras are very similar. When it's time to find their partner, they are able to see and know its complement, being children, the fruit of this union, part of the community. The couple's children are all together, and both love each other's children, and those of his own flesh, as only beings of the Deep.
The property is also something to be overcome, all have no one missing, there is no need to hoard and have more than necessary, as there are no shops, one can go to the store and get what you need. To this end, the blockbuster makes it all about, all work, as the state of consciousness makes the person be made on any job. Thus, in this world man is made in compliance with the Community and himself. There is no money, but if a high purchasing power from the entire population, since the only conditions for acquiring knowledge are asking and receiving. The houses are multifamily and from there living the community setting, also in the way of dress has overcome selfishness, since they all wear white robes or divers. We say it has been overcome in clothing, since man tends to cover not only moral or physical necessity, it also tends to to look better than others or to excel in group (a typical case of modern use of exclusives on Earth), as well as our older brothers Morlen wear white, symbolizing the perfection we all hope to have, and reaffirming that the outside are the reflection of the spirit.
Nutrition, is based on a pure vegetarian, do not eat animals for many reasons, including: eating meat, we eat not only their contents but also its animal energy and therefore we will "animalizing." Another reason is that the flesh brings toxins which poison us slowly. We conclude with one more reason to eat vegetables, we are eating live cells, which brings us life, the opposite of dead cells of the meat.
feeding, as mentioned, is made with extracts of certain plants, which produce substances necessary for life in the body and report to him everything he needs, the extracts contain no flavor whatsoever, and that another subtle form of attachment is to eat what we like, or eat only what tastes good. When one exceeds the gluttony and eats only what is necessary, eliminating large body problems and fulfills the phrase "lived to eat, to live now."
We have tried here several points about life, not only in Crystal City, but in all of the Satellite Towns. It's time to mention the other cities Morlen, which are: City FELLOWSHIP, so named because it lies in the whole land of settlers led by the guides, all the land they are in number 12,000, have been taken at different times and different places on the planet. There are of all races and have been adapted for life in community, after a period of preparation followed by a de-conditioning of his previous life on Earth which are responsible Morleanos Guides. Another city that is almost contemporary to the Crystal City is the City Raman, whose name is a reminder of the Patriarch of Morlen, which is now, on higher planes. This is where the major centers include Higher Mental preparation for Doctors and other cities are OMUND, MORLA and Solmar, the latter large enough to accommodate 6 races of settlers, who are already 8,000 years have been prepared for re-settlements; are 188.000 beings. They live together in harmony higher. The City
FELLOWSHIP, Earth colony, is also the Council of Juvenile Morlen, or whether the body coordinating the development of all cities Morleanas. This coordinating body, as previously mentioned, is composed of 12 Master and governs with a form of government patriarchal more as we said in the first submissions, the form of government would be a super communism without barriers, communal or government, these forms may be similar. In
Morlen festivals are held, they are:
- Unity Day.
- Day of the Colonies.
- Day of Love
- and especially every day is a celebration of the Deep.
The Morlen parties or festivities take on a very spiritual and sacred aspect of the love that radiates all the brothers together, something very different from the environment that we attach to them on Earth to our parties.
Morlen currently has 1'000, 000 natural persons and 200,000 settlers, including land and other planets.
The 24 Elders of the Council of the Confederation, representing the Union of all worlds in the Galaxy advanced to the common development and jointly direct all possible efforts for the solidarity of civilizations and to encourage support Galactic in worlds that are trying to evolve. Without removing the effort is up to each World, Worlds advanced routing and counseling help, if a changing world is in danger of being destroyed, the Confederation is involved, removing the higher spirits, or encouraging the bodies which have in certain places, so they can be inhabited by the brothers who managed to overcome, in terms of evolution, but who lost his body or have failed.
The Council is composed of the greatest minds of human beings who have achieved the correct lighting and elevation of eternal wisdom. These 24 teachers from different worlds and Higher levels of development have been designated by the mentors, to coordinate all the missions of help and solidarity through all the brothers in white garments of the Universe. They have bodies that makes them look like the elderly of all races, and is only a reflection of their successful lighting.
The Senate is currently coordinating the development of planet Earth is about to change phase and reach a new level of evolution. It is preparing to Earth as the home of the new Super Man, that repopulated.
The Confederation has bases throughout the universe, each inhabited planet has been achieved in the dialogue. Many satellites that were not life or who lost, have been refurbished, and proliferate in these agricultural bases.
nothing in our system, there are bases on the moons of Saturn and Uranus, among others.
bases vary according to their usefulness, are: technical, agricultural, small or large colonies, stations, etc.
about 100 years ago, that helps develop the missions that had the Council, appealed to the formation of an organized body of teachers' guides, which would be responsible for assembling groups of Mission to the planets to help by telepathic communications and physical experiences.
several planets were chosen to serve on Guides academies, among them, in Morlen Omund Academies, the Academy Celex in Xilox, Oromun on Io, Sinlax in Europe (satellite of Jupiter), Amon in Apu, Rumi on Venus etc.
The most qualified metapsíquicos curricula, Doctors Mental Higher Centres, would form the first cohorts of the Academies Guidelines. Academies, in a first stage, doctors have served for Mental, then they would have introduced other branches of knowledge. The life of the Guides, since they started, mark the commitment of an entire race beings.



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