Monday, October 25, 2010

My Jaw Locks During Menstruation


The state is the first of 14 entities states, to promote action in the field, as it has a law which punishes acts of discrimination, in Coahuila and in much of the world are recorded hate crimes against homosexuals is one of the major groups of population, after women, has the highest rate of discrimination that end with the death of these people, who are rejected by their preference sexual.Laura Martínez Rivera, Director of the Office to promote equality and against discrimination, said that to date have received over 300 complaints of homosexuals, and just over 400 women, who have been discriminated against, mainly in Coahuila is laboral.Expuso that the first of 14 states, to promote action in the matter, with the creation of the relevant law, and the signing of agreements for the establishment of municipal offices to receive and follow up such complaints.
worth mentioning that in Mexico are recorded on average three murders a month from homosexuals, who were attacked, harassed and humiliated by homophobic people who did not tolerate sexual preference or the way they dressed.
added that the law provides for sanctions against individuals and corporations, public servants who commit acts of discrimination, ranging from suspension of duties and penalties collectible by the Revenue Collection from 20 to 200 minimum wages, and the obligation to attend workshops to raise awareness and education on the proper treatment, non-denial of public services, they are efficient, timely and Coahuila expeditos.Aseguró that is at the forefront to the implementation of public policies in the aspects of public works, social programs, and promotion of valores.Señaló that by occupying 52 percent of the population, the women's sector, including those with disabilities are more vulnerable to discrimination , and inequality for its lack of incorporation of the opportunities, are also discriminated against people because of their preference sexual, and migrants.
"is one of the groups most reported, is one of the 10 most vulnerable groups with greater vulnerability because of the prejudices that society has, and sometimes governments themselves. It is our obligation to protect these groups and is one of those who dare to complain more, "he said.
worth mentioning that with an average of 35 homicides per year, Mexico is the second nation in Latin America with the largest number of hate crimes against gays, lesbians and transvestites, just behind Brazil.
Martínez Rivera, Coahuila acknowledged that there have been these kinds of murders crimes a criminal authority passion, and having the characteristics of crimes committed out of hatred and intolerance of a person's sexual preferences and appearance.
And is that only between 1995 and 2008 there have been a total of 627 murders of gays, lesbians, transsexuals, according to the latest report of the Committee on Homophobia and Hate Crimes, which registration was based on monitoring newspaper archives.


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