Friday, March 26, 2010

Games Like Mount & Blade

Day 03 → your favorite TV show: Gossip Girl *

I LOVE this series, with all my being. I love all their dramas and their lifestyles and life lessons you leave q as the unconditional friendship (B & S) and that in life one can find the most foxes of life xD

With this series I: I left my school bag for a portfolio, I loved the dresses, I wanted to take ribbons in her hair, love the diamonds on men and women, I want to put tights with diamonds, I like red lipstick, drink coffee on the street as I walk, I call my friends for the first letter of his name, I love parties masks, pajamas and I want to be presented in society, when I say goodbye to love xoxo, I knew what Q means and thousands xoxo Acronyms xD, q I would like my school had been a GossipGirl yqa Everyone cell phone rang while q everyone know of things: 3, I showed the most sensual kind of guy that can exist in life and is aunke drinking alcohol from 10 am I love, LOVE CharlesS "CHUCK BASS

swear the song Glamorous by Fargier is for me since I saw this promo *-* q

and most importantly, encouraged me to learn English and decide to go live in the U.S. specifically Manhattan, Upper East Side ♥
if want to see, go to the area series on the right side of the screen)


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